A typical day

A typical day

So yesterday was a typical day, you set out a plan, a to do list, things that you want to achieve during the day. You start with good intentions full of enthusiasm… 

Then what usually happens is something comes along and totally sideswipes you and takes you away from your to do list. This can be something big or something trivial, it can be something good or something bad, but whatever it is it takes you away from the things you set out to do. Yesterday was no exception…

It was a very simple thing, the new sexy bottles being used for the Vanilla cream liqueur need a particular sized capsule which seals the bottle, the silver tops look too good to be waxed so before Christmas we managed to source clear capsules which you use a heat gun on and they shrink down and seal the bottle. Well, could we find them?? Absolutely not.

Not naming names but one person in the distillery has a habit of leaving things all over the place and then the other members tidy up and organise things then said person can’t find it and then it's chaos!! We will let you work out who that is… Definitely a work in progress project to change

Through the chaos we made some progress with the layered shot, it's actually starting to layer, needs a little tweaking but it's nearly there and the aim is to launch it online Friday, we have red hearts which will go on the box and we will sort out the labels today. We asked on social media yesterday for names, thank you we will pick our favourite before Friday so keep them coming.

So today’s plan 

Finish off product development

Important meeting (more details when we can say more)

Produce labels for layered shot

Fix the still as parts arrived late yesterday

Hopefully that gives you a little insight into a typical day in the distillery, we have to be prepared for anything and everything, we regularly make mistakes, try and learn from them, we are fortunate that opportunities can come our way at anytime which we have to grab and be prepared to take a risk and try, most of our biggest achievements have come along this way so we are always on the lookout for when they arise. 

Have a good day!

Nearly forgot the positive bit, it has warmed up and didn't have to defrost the windscreen! Winning!!


No, we didn't find them!


Thank you