No, we didn't find them!

First the answer to lots of questions, no we didn't find the bloody capsules to seal the bottles, new ones are being delivered this morning so the first thing we write tomorrow is we found them! For those of you who are similar to the one who won’t be named and shamed in the distillery will have experienced this many times too! This is a regular thing in the shed in the fen..

Well, what can we say about yesterday, it involved some plumbing repairs and some electrical repairs and we managed to achieve them so today is a trial run with the still and then fingers crossed tomorrow we can distill rum. 

We had a very productive meeting, which we will be able to talk about shortly.

We absolutely nailed the layered valentine shot, for those who saw the picture of it, we of course had to taste test the finished product and its delicious (if we do say so ourselves). 

We have nearly finished the labelling which will be completed today and will be bottling the first batch ready to put on our website on Friday. When we first made the Platinum we had no idea how popular it would be and made 50 sets in the first batch and would of been happy if they sold, little did we know.. For those that remember it went bonkers, it even brought tears to our eyes because we never take anything for granted and during very difficult times it really helped our business for which we are forever grateful. 

We are only a small business and have often said we appear much larger than we are so when people spend their hard earned money with us it really has an impact, first and foremost it pays wages, it maintains employment in very difficult economic times. Our incredible team in the distillery never moan, they always put everything into getting the product made and out the door despite some of the crazy hair brain ideas that are thrown around. We are also big advocates for using and spending with like minded companies and putting it back into the economy. 

For example when at shows and events it's always good to support other small traders, yes that jar of jam or bar of chocolate, brownie or beer is slightly more expensive than what can be purchased in a large supermarket, but the quality and passion gone into it more than makes up for the added cost. Plus that £10 spent with a small producer means and has much more value to the small business, for us it means that wages and overheads are paid, we can carry on with new projects and ideas and hopefully create what we always set out to achieve…Stability. 

We will talk more about Stability another day.

So today, we are aiming to finish off the valentines shot, labelling and packaging, choose a name and get it ready to go live tomorrow. 

As we said yesterday, not everything goes to plan but you have to have a plan to start with

Thank you to everyone who is reading these and enjoying them, putting it down in writing what we are doing is making us more focused on getting things done and producing great results.

Positive end, there is lots but we will go with the old faithful, didn’t shit the bed so it's going to be a good day, hopefully that applies to everyone, if it doesn’t don’t worry a change of sheets and shower will sort it


The Amour!


A typical day