
Good morning!

It's Tuesday and it's going to be another hot one..The show at Chatsworth was super hot and as classic brit’s we like to moan, we moan when it's too cold and as at the weekend we moan when it's too hot! We often laugh about this, very occasionally it's the perfect temperature… Unless we are sitting on a beach somewhere with a cold drink in hand, then we want it that hot!! It's supposed to be getting hotter throughout the week…

Yesterday we spent most of the day getting things straight after a busy weekend, there is a lot of stuff to sort out before getting on with the week. From stock taking to putting all the stand stuff away, plus this time I had all my camping stuff with me. I really enjoyed staying on site at the weekend, there is something very therapeutic about camping for me. Boiling a kettle first thing and drinking a cup of coffee outside looking at the scenery and listening to the birds is a great way to start the day. A long trek to the showers and only having portaloos available is not ideal, but hey you can't have everything can you! A small price to pay for waking up with the stunning Chatsworth House behind you and seeing the mist clear as the sun comes up. I was even sent off with loads of food, including bananas, so I had one for breakfast each day..Super healthy for me! I did treat myself on Sunday and have a massive bacon and sausage roll, I worked hard for that though. It was bloody huge!

We have a shorter week this week, as per the post yesterday the distillery will be closed on Friday. The shops will be open though. We also have a local show at Whittlesey which we are looking forward to.

We have had several enquiries for the advent calendars, these will go on pre-order next week, I will go live on Facebook at some point to give you more information.

I am also working on putting together some Christmas Tree baubles, the team will love me for this, they look like a bloody nightmare to fill! Let me know in the comments what products you would like to see in them.

It still blows my mind how many people read this and the reach that it has, so thank you to each and every one of you for taking a few minutes to read it. 

I will get back to going live on Facebook to update on what goes on here, but rest assure nothing changes, I still create carnage and randomness on a regular basis. 

Right best get on with the day. Off to a meeting..

Catch you later

Ant x


Bloody Hot!

