Big boy pants!

Good morning!

Its starting to get colder finally…feels more like autumn

Thanks for the fun on yesterday’s live, I could feel the shouting on the screen coming my way over the bow thing. It reminded me of the quizzes, thankfully no one takes offence (not that I know off!), but it’s such a laugh, poor old Terri, just kept having a go and of course I just kept on going with it. When they go on sale I will try and remember to bow everytime one sells! For your information they will go on sale next Friday, the 20th, that gives us time to get things sorted etc. I have had plenty of messages saying put them on pre-order, I can’t do this, it would mean everything behind the scenes goes wrong, more room for mistakes and would be utter carnage. We only put up for sale what we have made, we will be making them in batches and putting them out there regularly. I have finally had all the costs in and they will be £16 a pack.

I pottered about yesterday, bottling things and getting what needs to be done, it was a good day, but you do end up going home thinking more could have been done etc, but that is always the way, you just have to keep chipping away and you will get there.

I have a two day show this weekend, Saturday and Sunday at Bells Pumpkin Festival near Boston, its a great event for everyone, so if you are local pop along, we will be there for the next three weekends. 

We have had some small hampers arrive in our Hunstanton shop and will be using these to make up gift ideas, if you are local pop in store and see what is on offer. They look great and I will show some pics over the next few days.

Christmas Gin is now available here, I got round to doing it but forgot to actually tell anyone!!

Its a weird time October in the shed in the fens, its like the calm before the storm and I have a lot going on at the moment in general so it can leave me a little out of sorts, like I said earlier you feel like you should be doing more, but you also don’t know what that more is, this is when its super important to maintain the routines, otherwise it all goes to poop, and if you can maintain them, then things get sorted and good things happen. Its not easy when so many things are out of your control, I have been asking one of our largest customers for there Christmas forecast since the beginning of September, its still not come through, we should be making that at the moment but can’t. It will probably come through right at the busiest time and somehow we will have to fit it in. It's very frustrating, but what can you do, just keep plodding along.

I heard yesterday that the apple juice is being made as I type so I will arrange to collect some next week, this is earlier than usual so we will be able to make the ‘Bloody Mulled Gin’ in a couple of weeks and get it out there which should reduce some of the pressure in November/December, however I have a feeling the ‘Bloody baubles’ will put enough pressure on in its place. But we will see, no point worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet, just roll your sleeves up, pull on your big boy pants and get on with it!

Right off to a meeting, coffee in hand

Catch you later!

Ant x


Show list!


Meeting for one!