Meeting for one!

Good morning!

I have just walked the dogs and saw a beautiful sunrise, it's certainly darker in the mornings so I have to walk the pups a little later, but it's definitely worth it to see a sunrise like this morning. If you don't follow us on Instagram then this is where I usually share these pics, on our instagram stories.

I had a great day yesterday, got into bottling and labelling etc as I said yesterday it takes a day or two to get into the swing of things.Yes its not the tidiest in the shed at the moment, but like when you were a teenager and your parents went away, you have a mad run around just before they get back so you don’t get in trouble, that will be me just before Gema gets back. Sadly I won’t be having any wild parties though, too much work to do. 

I had a play around yesterday, as I was bottling Christmas Gin I put some in baubles to see what they looked like and wow they certainly look pretty. As you know I share the whole journey from development through to finished product, these will be available to purchase next week. We will make some, package them up and put them on the website daily, as we get them done they will go on sale. Who knows how well they will go, but they will be available in our shops, online and at shows. 

Today will be a mixture of admin and production, so there will be proper carnage, I have shows to sort out, orders to pack off and products to bottle off. 

I am aiming to get the Christmas Gin on the website today at some point, Ill let you know when.

We are still getting questions about advent calendars, yes these are still available on our website, they will be until November then we will pack them off and get them sent out.

Bloody mulled gin will also be available early November.

I had lots of comments about me having a meeting with myself, whether I am on my own or not, I still sit down and have a coffee and write out a plan for the day, so yes I do have a meeting on my own, I talk to myself a lot so if anyone was watching they would think I am bonkers but it works for me, who doesn’t talk to themselves!!

Right I best get to my meeting, with coffee and a notepad.

Catch you later

Ant x


Big boy pants!


Cluttered mess!