Show list!

Good morning!

It's Friday and I am proud to say the shed in the fens is still in one piece, albeit slightly cluttered, but it is holding up!

The to-do list seems to be getting bigger, things get added to it quicker than they get ticked off, but no point stressing, just keep chipping away and things will get done.

I had a good day yesterday, it was a mixture of production and my other stuff, which is generally answering emails, messages etc. We have some projects on the go which take time so I spent some time on them, working with some other companies on new ideas. Collaborations is the word I think they call it!

We did a trial filling of some bloody baubles last night, and that went well. We have sorted out how we are going to do it. It will be in batches of about 50 packs at a time. Some people will think why don’t you just make them all in one go, for many reasons this is not possible, we don’t have the space to do this, we have many other items that need producing and simply don’t have the resources to do so. So just like the Bloody Mulleg Gin, we will produce regularly along with everything else. I am sure everyone who wants some will get hold of them before Christmas.

I have a busy day ahead of me, one of the priorities is getting ready for the show, Bells Pumpkin patch, this should be interesting. I will make a list, but as you know, I always forget something even if I have made a list, usually because I have forgotten to write it on the list in the first place!! But hey ho, I will have a good go at trying to remember what to put on it.

It's going to be interesting, this morning it is raining and 15 degrees so feels warm, tomorrow morning it's expected to be about 4 degrees in the morning. I have no issue standing out in the cold, I don’t tend to feel the cold but when it's such a massive change in such a short time it is horrible and takes a few days to acclimatise, so tomorrow morning is going to be interesting!! At least it is going to be dry. Last year I did it and it poured with rain, creating a mud bath, but it didn't stop people though. They came out in rain gear and wellies and it was amazing to see little kids absolutely plastered in mud, but happy! 

I am eagerly awaiting the delivery of the packaging today, no idea what time it will arrive, I have some bloody baubles ready to put in them to see what they look like, if they arrive in time Ill either go live or post a picture.

Right I best get on it, off to a meeting with a coffee and scrap of paper to write a list..If you think of anything I might forget feel free to comment 

Catch you later!

Ant x


Bobble Hat!


Big boy pants!