Bobble Hat!

Good morning!

Had to defrost the windscreen this morning!! Plus the bobble hat is on..

Its Monday morning, and it was a busy, hectic weekend. Friday ended up a long day and loading up the show stock on the pouring rain, bloody typical! I was sitting in the truck chatting on the phone waiting for it to pass and was informed it's going to be raining for at least another hour, so rain hat on and get on with it. As I used to get told drips don’t get wet, well I must be a drip because I got very wet!

Saturday was an early start to head off to Boston for the pumpkin patch, the weather app said it was going to be cold, they got that right, I was walking the dogs early and yes it was cold but the night sky was stunning, the stars were beautiful. I got to the pumpkin patch early and soon got set up, the sun was coming up and when you are standing in a marque like that you end up with lots of condensation dripping on you.

Saturday was one of those tough days mentally, you have to grind it out, it's not down to people or anything like that, it's just your personal headspace is a little off sync, but I have been doing these shows for years so it's expected from time to time, it turned out a pretty good day and I had a wonderful evening which set me up for the Sunday.

Sunday morning was even colder, but I was ok with that. The day before was a shock to the system but I had quickly acclimatised and my head was in a great place due to the evening before. I had a great day on Sunday, again mentally, sales wise both days were good. For those who saw the live on Friday, I can confirm that Sara and her fella did come and purchase a brolly and Coconut Rum.

I met lots of great people over the weekend, some familiar faces and had a great time, I even got to get off my stand and enjoy some of the wonderful things Bells put on, even had an ice cream in the sun! Happy Days.

Now its back to it, first thing to do is unload the show stuff and sort it all out, then its about planning the week ahead and working out what needs to be done. 

The Bloody Bauble packaging arrived Friday and I am super happy with it, we will be putting the first batch on sale on Friday. We keep having friendly banter about which we prefer, Gold or Silver, so the proof will be when they go on sale, comment which you prefer!

We are halfway through October already and the crazy season will soon be upon us, do we feel ready, absolutely not, but you never do, but we will do the best we can.

Right I'm off to a meeting with a cup of hot coffee!

Catch you later!

Ant x


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