Flown by!

Good morning!

It's Friday! This week has flown by..

Yesterday was a busy one, getting lots sorted for the weekend, whenever we do a show where we serve by the glass, its crazy how much stuff you have to remember to take, I thought it would be the other way round, but its not, there is a mountain of stuff sat here ready to be loaded into the van. 

It's also a challenge to work out how much to take, the first year we did it we bought way too much milk and squirty cream, to the point everyone took some milk home and even had to freeze some. We have last year to go on, we sold out of hot chocolates towards the end of the evening so we will take a little bit more. If we sell it all then that's great, if we don’t then we will have plenty of milk to keep us going for a while. 

We produced the first batch of bloody mulled gin yesterday, the shed smelt amazing, because we use fresh apple juice, each year they are slightly different, some years they are sweeter than others, we are super happy with the taste, even had a cup of it when live on facebook yesterday, I had forgotten how well it warms you up. You can feel it in your belly, on a cold day its perfect! The first lot will be going on our website later today at 3pm. We will then be making more on Monday and will see how it goes. It will also be available in our shops next week and at the shows. 

Bloody baubles are going out nicely, internet orders are coming in and its still fun to see the battle between gold and silver. Did you see we sold a brolly yesterday? We have a few left if anyone wants to order one, its great fun watching Gema pack one off, we even sold a few pairs of sunglasses yesterday, that made us chuckle. Selling sunglasses in November! 

We did a post on the bobble hats yesterday, if you spend £40 on our website we will put one in free with your order, plus anyone who has ordered an advent calendar will receive one too. Next week we will have the beanies which we originally ordered, these will go out for sale, online, in our shops and at shows. We will continue the offer for the bobble hats until they have gone. 

You can feel that things are starting to ramp up, which is great, I said yesterday, it becomes fun crazy times, yes it can get stressful, but that's part and parcel of it, I would rather be stressed busy than being super quiet, there have been plenty of times this year its quiet and its all about holding your nerve and keep doing what you have to do. 

When I do shows and I get talking to other traders, everyone has said what a hard year its been, it really has, but it's challenging for everyone with what's going on in the world, you just have to grind it out. 

Right off to a meeting

Catch you later

Ant x


A break!


Free bobble hat!