Grind it out!

Good morning

Another Friday has come round, full of ups and downs. But the question is have we made progress. Yes. Have we completed everything we wanted to? No. Have the things we wanted to happen, happened? Some. So yes progress has been made.

Nothing ever happens as quickly as you would like it to, it's like the universe is testing you to see how much you really want it. 

This absolutely applies to working in the shed in the fens. 

Some projects we hoped would come to fruition this week have not, does that mean they won’t happen or does it mean we have failed, no it doesn’t it means that we have to be patient, keep chipping away and they will happen. But they won’t happen if we throw in the towel and give up on them. We have to remain active, like we have all week and if you have read the blog all week you will know that some projects from weeks ago completed unexpectedly. 

It's certainly not easy to remain motivated to keep going during these moments because what usually happens is when your resolve is being tested, that's when you make mistakes or try and force things and the outcome is never a net positive. For example we could do a flash sale on our website shop to generate sales, yes we would get some orders in a short period of time, but long term we will devalue our product and then the consumer will either consciously or subconsciously think if you can sell that product for 10% or 20% less this week then why not all the time. You will also upset the customers that purchased last week. The only time we do this is if we have discontinued stock to sell off. Which we have at the moment, we have some Salted Caramel Liqueurs left in 250ml bottles which we can no longer source so will put these up for sale later today.

Someone told us recently it's these difficult times that make you stronger so that you don't miss what is supposed to come your way. This really resonates with us. If we decided to take a few days off this week and not grind out what needed to be done we would've missed the opportunities that did come our way. 

Hopefully for those of you who read these daily it gives you an understanding of what is involved in running a small business. It's not all fun and games and plain sailing, but at the same time it's not all doom and gloom, overall the good stuff outweighs the rough times and would highly recommend anyone who has an idea that they are passionate about to just give it a go. Life is far too short to not have a go. Plus when it gets really rough with the right people around you it can get so bad that you all end up laughing so hard at the mess you are in and you find a way out of it. Classic British humour at its best. 

We completed the filming yesterday and these videos will get posted shortly.

We also had our first gin tasting session of the year last night at the Crown in Holbeach, it was a great evening. We thoroughly enjoy chatting with people and giving them a fun evening and hopefully they learn something about the world of gin. The feedback afterwards was very positive.

Have a great day, off to the meeting


Carpe diem!

