
Good morning!

We have had some snow over the shed in the fens, looks very pretty and the pups, Ralf and Flo, love it. 

Another productive day yesterday, it's funny how things work, persistence pays off. We have said this week was about doing the things that need to be done, the mundane things, the things that don’t directly show a result. By result we mean sales, if the sole focus is on money and sales you will end up trying too hard, compromising what you stand for, devaluing your product simply in the pursuit of money. It is very easy to be caught up in this, especially during these difficult economic times, but that is when it's so important to hold your line. Keep doing the things that you need to do and that you believe in and the by-product of that is you end up generating sales. That's exactly what happened yesterday evening, a new wholesale customer which we had been in discussions with weeks ago sent through an email placing their first order. We are convinced that these things wouldn’t happen if we were not persistent yesterday (and the whole week) doing the daily things that needed to be done. In fact these things never happen unless you are active. It's a very strange thing how it happens, you cannot predict how it will happen, they very rarely if at all happen how you expect them to but they certainly do happen, but only if you are persistant.

To be persistent is pointless unless you have a clear goal which you want to achieve. We have that goal, it is the following and always has been

To achieve stability

The pandemic taught us that we also have a purpose which is to help people, in the words of Caroline Flack, to be kind.

So our goal is now to achieve stability which will enable us to help more people.

Will write more another day on how we plan to achieve these goals

So yesterday we chipped away getting things in the shed sorted, we had a further play with the Easter shot, they layers look amazing so now we are going to tweak the flavours. We have plenty of time to get it exactly how we want it so whenever we get some spare time we will play some more. 

We have our first gin talk tonight, these are great fun and we are really looking forward to it.

Off for that meeting and coffee

Catch you later


Grind it out!

