
Good morning!

Don't the days fly by! It's Thursday already..

We had an interesting day yesterday, one of those you have to grind out, you could easily just stop and chill out but the whole team just got on with things that needed to be done despite lots of little things going against us. It's amazing, from the outside it looks like we are on autopilot but as we all know that's not the case, it takes effort and having a good team makes it much easier to lift each other up and we ended the day in a good position and ready to attack today.

A few people misunderstood yesterday's blog, we have not got a bar at Glastonbury. What we wrote was this is a long term goal to get a bar there. Will it happen? Who knows, we certainly hope so! However hope alone will not get us there. We need more than that, if you simply rely on hope to get where you want to be then you will spend most of your time daydreaming about being there but won’t actually make it happen. So we have hope to achieve this goal, but what else do we need? We need a plan on how we are going to do it. We have a plan, as we wrote, we have been working on it for over 3 years and it might take another 3 years to get there or even longer. We also need something else to make this happen. Faith. Now we are not talking in a religious context, but this is a vital part of the journey to get there. We need to have faith in our abilities, which draws all our past experiences and learning together and use these on a daily basis to get us there. Plus we absolutely need to ensure we enjoy the journey.. If we simply relied on hope we would find ourselves constantly disappointed and frustrated because things were not going our way. 

This applies to lots of things but especially when starting a business, you have to hope it achieves what you envisage it will, but you have to make a plan on how you are going to do it and then you have to have faith in your abilities to get there. 

So going back to the bar, we have a plan, we know what we need to do and we are doing it. We have made big steps towards this and will share more details soon. What we can say is it will be fun and we certainly aim to enjoy it! We have learnt that we are all getting older and need to pace ourselves because it takes longer to recover these days…

Pink Gin

We have bottled a small batch of pink gin and will make a video today on how to serve it, we are looking forward to that. It's one of the perks of the job, not letting the finished drink go to waste.

St Patrick's Day

Tomorrow is a massive day for us at the shed in the fens, its St Patricks Day, not only because Gema is Irish, which we love to tell every Irish person we meet but because if you have followed us for a long time you will know how significant this day was for us in 2020. It was the day that we asked for help, it was the biggest and most important lesson we have ever learnt. It is not a sign of weakness to ask for help, it's a sign of strength and we would not be writing this today if we had not done so. We will talk about this tomorrow. We have some fun things planned for tomorrow to mark the occasion for us. Yes it will probably involve some Guiness..Who are we kidding, it's definitely involving plenty of the stuff!

So take note it's not a sign of weakness to ask for help, just put it out there and let the universe take care of it, just like it did in 2020!

Have a good day, time for coffee!


Happy St Patrick's Day!

