Its Thursday!

Good morning!

I had to check again it is Thursday, these shorter weeks are very confusing, roll on next week when it will all get back to normal.

People are still ordering the bauble sets which is great thank you, they will stay online until they are all gone.

We had some fun on the live yesterday, I talked about the taster nights and we have another one in the pipeline. They are going to hold it at a football club and use it to raise funds for the club and have a great night. Lots of people organise one for this reason, to create a fun evening out and raise some money for a club or village hall etc. So if you would like to arrange one please let me know and we will send you the details and work out a suitable date.

We had a play around with TikTok yesterday, it's not something I have been on before but we thought we would give it a try. There is a lot of negativity with social media, and it can be a very negative thing depending on how its used, I have always tried to use it in a positive way. Its a great resource to show and tell the world what you do and how you do it. That's what I will continue to do and will start doing the same on TikTok. No I won’t be doing funny dances there, it will be more of the same of what we do on Facebook and Instagram. 

We are having a meeting today to go through the shops and the opening times etc, January is very very quiet in both Hunstanton and Well’s so we will be working through a plan of what we are going to do and bang our heads together to create some ideas for the rest of the year. 

I spent quite a lot of time yesterday going through emails, contacting different events and festivals to introduce ourselves and see if there is a possibility of taking our bar out this year to some. You have no idea unless you try, so thats what we are doing, reaching out to companies and starting dialogue. The aim is to get to meet these people and then have a chat about how we can work together. Business is all about relationships so this is the first step in building one.

We also put out to the world the contract distilling services we offer, we produce some product for some companies in there own brand, this is not something we do lots of and we have to be very selective about this, like the Peterborough Cathedral Gin, it had a great story behind it, they are lovely people to work with. They are super pleased with how it's going and we will continue to work with them on building it up. If you go to Peterborugh Cathedral you will see the Old Scarlett Gin in the gift shop. It's well worth visiting because its a beautiful place.

So today is more of the same…Chip chip chipping away!

Right off to a meeting..

Catch you later

Ant x


Got a plan!


Go with the flow!