Lets have it!

Good morning!

These always start with a good morning and not a morning, because its important to start the day on a positive note. So it's a good morning.

The Whisky went on sale yesterday and it all went, 25 bottles in the morning and 25 in the evening. Thank you to everyone who has been patiently waiting, they will be sent out today and tomorrow. We are super excited to hear what you think of it.

If you have been following these blogs since the start you will know that it's important to celebrate successes when they happen. Yesterday when the first 25 bottles sold we all stood in the distillery, just looking at each other with a smile on our faces full of pride. That was a special moment. Each and every one of the team played a part to get to that point and it was a great feeling. It very quickly got back to the usual banter, this always involves throwing someone under the bus. It's the complete opposite to most companies, the team looks for silly small mistakes that happen and waits for the perfect moment when everyone is in to drop that person right in it. It's bloody brilliant and hilarious, instead of the person who made the error getting it, the person who dropped them in it then gets blasted and applauded at the same time for dropping the person in it.

We will give you an example..

The 50 bottles of Whisky are individually numbered, when they had finished being labelled it turns out we had 51 labelled bottles (the spare bottles are being put to one side). The initial thought was to blame the person who printed the labels, they had obviously printed one label twice, that person wasn’t in at the time, so the banter started, ‘bloody useless’ ‘they had one job’ etc. Remember this is all said while laughing. The only option was to wait until everyone was in and then go through all the bottles and find the number printed twice. When going through the bottles one had two back labels on and no front label. So instead of apologising to the person who printed the labels we threw the person who labelled the bottles under the bus instead. The end result was a lot of laughter and the error was quickly resolved. 

What usually comes after a successful moment is the following day we are still on a high and then the next day its a crash. Sound familiar? Usually a number of small things go wrong which means all the momentum that has been built gets undone. The beauty of writing these blogs is it will help us to recognise these patterns and do something about it. The biggest thing we can do is look forward to whatever ‘crap’ (couldn't think of a better word) comes our way. Bring it on! Because we will find a way to sort it out and as you know when you have overcome an obstacle it's a great feeling. So that is exactly what we are going to do! Lets have it!!

Got a meeting to go to

Have a good day

Positive part - We have not only made whisky, we have bloody sold whisky 🙂




Special K!