Special K!

Good morning!

Today's blog is a special one. After putting Gema through it and asking her to write something for the blog, I then asked Katie. 

Katie’s initial reaction was exactly the same as Gema, shock, horror, ‘I can’t do it’ etc but with some gentle encouragement she did it, and she certainly delivered.

Katie joined us a month after Gema did so and has been here roughly 3 and a half years. Her role is she deals with the admin, accounts and helps with production and packing orders.

We advertised for an admin role just after Gema joined and to be truthful I was done with interviews. The first applicant that applied for the role was Katie. I read the covering letter which was exactly what I needed and asked her to come in. Did absolutely nothing else until she walked in the shed. She was obviously nervous, so I asked her to sit down, introduced myself and said ‘would you like the job?’ She looked shocked and confused at the same time and said yes.

It was a combination of I couldn’t be arsed to do more interviews (just being honest!) Her covering letter resonated with me and my gut telling me when she came in she would fit right in. She had experience of some of the work required but we can teach people what to do, what we can’t teach people is the qualities required to fit into the team, they either have them or they don’t. Katie certainly has them! 

If I have to describe Katie, I often say (and so does anyone who has met her) this

‘Katie is the sweetest, kindest person you will ever meet, with a dark sense of humour’

Katie and Gema played a huge role during the pandemic, it was Katie who set up the Go Fund me page which people kindly donated to which helped us help thousands of people. She knows what I need despite me shouting and ranting, she will just do it with no fuss. I am forever grateful for having her in my team. Her coffee making skills are a little hit and miss but it's work in progress.

Here are the words from Katie

There’s never a dull moment working at Fen Spirits, lots of banter! 

We are always laughing and taking the mickey out of each other but we all still work hard and pull together in the busiest times. 

We are an awesome team of very different personalities but we just all gel! 

If one of us is having a bad day we can always reassure ourselves that we will be laughing within the first few minutes of walking through the door. 

There is never a feeling of oh no it’s work today! Not sure that many workplaces could offer that! 

When you have always worked in jobs you’ve never really been happy to find a place like this and people like these where you feel you truly belong is the best thing ever!

I am a lucky man to have Katie in my team.

“““Single Malt Whisky Update”””

The first 25 bottles will go on sale today at 10am.

Have a good day

Ps Karen's turn next week!


Lets have it!


Got to have a plan