Nearly BMG Time!

Good morning

It's Wednesday already, and it's now November! Yesterday flew by…

I had to do some running around yesterday, I popped over to Sandringham Apple juice to drop some barrels off ready to be filled with apple juice. If you saw the photo you would see the waste that was coming off whilst the apples were being pressed. It doesn’t get any fresher than that, it was good to catch up with Andrew too. We will be collecting them today so can start making the Bloody mulled Gin straight away. The first batch will be available online on Friday and then we will keep chipping away producing it, along with everything else!

We have our first actual Christmas market two weeks today, Ely Cathedral, it runs from Wednesday to Saturday and also on the Friday and Saturday we are also at Peterborough Cathedral. So now its time to get ready for them, planning what to take etc, its quite the challenge working out what to take, thankfully both shows are pretty local so we can pick up extra stock if required. We work out an overall level of stock to take, but there is no second guessing what individual products will go, so as long as we have more at the shed in the fens we can react accordingly. Last year we took the mulled gin to shows and bought some flasks so we can sample it hot, that was very popular!

Today will be more of the same, bottling and labeling and packing off orders, internet orders are increasing as people are shopping for Christmas, so thank you everyone who has placed an order. 

The bobble hats didn’t come in, I have been told that they will be here today, so will keep you updated, the grey beanies will be with us next week. 

I have also had a go at designing a sign for the bloody baubles at shows, this is definitely not my strong point but I am happy with it, there is probably a typo on it, thats what usually happens!

I got myself some walking boots which arrived yesterday, my decent boots were getting ruined standing in the mud etc so I took the dogs for a walk in them, they need breaking in, but I am aiming to do more walking next year, I have had some lovely walks this year, through woodlands etc and its not something I have done much of, but its been amazing so once these boots are broken in and I get through the next month or so of madness thats the plan. I think I need some decent socks!

That's enough of me rambling, got stuff to do..

Firstly, off to a meeting!

Catch you later

Ant x


Free bobble hat!


Bobble Hats!